

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)


Note: In these answers we will follow a few shorthand conventions for describing user-interface procedures. Key combinations will be presented like this: Ctrl+Alt+Delete, which means that you should press and hold down the Control key, the Alt key, and the Delete key at the same time. Menu selections will be presented like this: File! Open, which means that you should open the File menu, and then make the Open selection.

  1. How do I change my Blue Skies sounds?
  2. How do I change my Tools List to name my spreadsheet & other programs?
  3. How do I use Excel to View, Sort, & Graph my Blue Skies data?

How do I change my Blue Skies sounds?

To change one or more of the sounds Blue Skies Accounting plays, replace the .wav file (the sound file) in your 'c:\blue_sky' subdirectory [or whatever subdirectory you use for your Blue_Sky.exe].

Table of Blue Skies sound files:

bulletThe 'Welcome' sound that occurs when the program starts = c:\blue_sky\welcome.wav
bulletThe 'Save' sound that occurs when you click 'Save' button in payroll or g/l input = c:\blue_sky\save.wav
bulletThe 'Done' sound that occurs when you finish a g/l check = c:\blue_sky\chk_done.wav
bulletThe 'Reports' sound that occurs when the reports screen appears = c:\blue_sky\reports.wav
bulletThe 'Unlock' sound that occurs when the correct password is given = c:\blue_sky\unlock.wav


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How do I change my Tools List to name my spreadsheet & other programs?

    Go to Tools!  to 'Setup Tools List', then edit

  1. Touch your <F1> key to get on-screen manual help.
  2. Click on the 'Tools Caption' item, to replace the caption (re-type the name); ie..WordPad to 'Word'.
  3. Click the 'Path & Program' to the right of the caption & add in the 'path', setup in your computer system.
  4. Hint: Click on the 'Browse' button to navigate to the program (*'.exe') and then either double click on the  name or Copy & Paste the name.
  5.     For Word:  search for File name: Winword.Exe
  6. (Path :C:\ProgramFiles\Microsoft Office\office\Winword.Exe)
  7.     For Excel:  search for File name: Excel. Exe 
  8. (Path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\office\Excel.Exe)
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How do I use Excel to View, Sort, & Graph my Blue Skies data?

  1. Backup your data using the normal Blue Skies Accounting File ! Backup so if you damage your data you can always Restore it using Blue Skies.
  2. Start Microsoft Excel as you normally would outside of Blue Skies Accounting - double click on it desktop icon, use the Windows Start button, etc.
  3. In Excel, under the File pulldown menu, choose 'Open...'
  4. Navigate to your transaction directory [probably c:\blue_sky\1998data for your 1998 year]
  5. Then in the 'Look in' dropdown list, choose 'dBase Files' - all the .dbf files will be displayed.
  6. Double click on the file to open.  The first 4 characters is the type of data, the next four is the client number, and the file suffix always is '.dbf'.
    1. Glve1000.dbf is vendor names & addresses for client#1000.  Each vendor or customer is another line in this file.
    2. Glac1000.dbf is the general ledger account numbers, their descriptions, the most recent balance forward, current amount, ending balance, budget amounts, etc.  Each gl account is another line in this file.
    3. Gltr1000.dbf is the general ledger transactions - the same you see in Blue Skies Accounting in View & Edit GL Transactions.  Each gl transactions is another line in this file.
    4. Prms1000.dbf is the payroll master, the list of employee names, addresses, social security number, etc.  Each employee is another line in this file.
    5. Prtr1000.dbf is the payroll transactions - the gross, deductions, and net for every paycheck.  Each paycheck in the year is another line in this file.
    6. Prtl1000.dbf is the payroll timecard lines - each timecard line entered in the year is a another line in this file.
  7. You may view, sort, or print out any of these files.  BUT DO NOT SAVE ANY CHANGES!!!

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[Blue Skies Accounting®] is a trademark of [AgData®]. All other products mentioned are registered trademarks or trademarks of their respective companies.

Copyright © 2011  [AgData]. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Wednesday June 08, 2011.