Enterprise Budgeting



Budgeting with Blue Skies

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Choose Enterprises to Budget

Budgets from Database

bulletOnce a year of enterprise cost accounting is in your database, the program can help you build next year’s budgets based on these expenses.
bulletChoose the crops to budget.
bulletUnder File pulldown menu, choose Create Budgets from Old Expenses. The program will start & operate your Excel spreadsheet program using DDE & OLE to insert all the proper equations.
bulletThe program will sum all these enterprise budget spreadsheets to create an overall farm budget for the bank and for management control.
bulletThroughout each month of next year, the program will print a monthly Enterprise Budget versus Actual Expenses Report.

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Create Excel Budgets Automatically

bulletThe budgeted amounts are all in the proper months (the actual months in which they occured in this past year).
bulletNote the bold print and the lines that make the budget easy to read.
bulletClick on the printer icon to print this budget.
bulletTry changing the acres, yield, price, and expenses per acre. All the total amounts will change instantly. All the equations have been done for you!

Note: You must own Excel versions 5.0 or later.

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Copyright © 2011  [AgData]. All rights reserved.
Last modified: Wednesday June 08, 2011.